Our Service Fees




Chiropractic - 5 minute free spinal assessment$0
Chiropractic - Initial Consultation (Adult) $120
Chiropractic - Standard Consultation (Adult) $70
Chiropractic - Initial Consultation (Child)$85
Chiropractic - Standard Consultation (Child)$55


Kinesiology -  Initial Consultation$150
Kinesiology - Standard Consultation . $90


Acupuncture - Initial Consultation
Acupuncture - Standard Consultation


Reiki - 30 minutes$50
Reiki - 60 minutes$80

Yoga + Meditation 

Private Session - 60 minutes$100
Private Session - 90 minutes$130

Private small group classes are available upon request. Contact us today to find out more!

We also offer various yoga, meditation and health retreats and events throughout the year. For more information on these click here.

Health Retreats & Events

We love hosting Zuma Health retreats and events. Each event and retreat is unique and have lots to offer. To view the latest events and retreats we are offering including the pricing click here. To stay up to date with future events, retreats and so much more sign up to our news letter by clicking here.

We also offer workplace talks and treatments upon request. Get in contact with us to find out more!

Memberships & HEALTHY LIFE Packages

To encourage a wellness approach to our chiropractic clients we have a variety of special memberships and packages available. These memberships and packages offer great savings and help you to stay consistent and support your overall health.

Zuma Health memberships and packages start from just :

Adults - $55 per visit
Children - $45 per visit
Contact us TODAY to find out more!

Health Retreats & Events

We love hosting Zuma Health retreats and events. Each event and retreat is unique and have lots to offer. To view the latest events and retreats we are offering including the pricing click here. To stay up to date with future events, retreats and so much more sign up to our news letter by clicking here.

We also offer workplace talks and treatments upon request. Get in contact with us to find out more!

Ready to book a consultation? Click on the 'BOOK NOW' button to schedule an appointment with one of chiropractors or therapists. Alternatively, you can also take our no obligation, Free Spinal Check to understand how your spine may be affecting your health and whether chiropractic is a suitable treatment for you.


Free Spinal Health Check costs $0.00
For more information about our no obligation, free spinal health check click here.

Patients with private health insurance can use HICAPS to claim their health rebate on the spot. We are a Medibank Private preferred provider with discounted rates for members.

We offer aged pensioner concessions and DVA referrals. We also accept Advanced Primary Care referrals.

Get in contact with us for more details.

To stay up to date with everything Zuma Health sign up to our monthly newsletter full of all sorts of exciting goodies such as delicious healthy recipes, health facts, insightful information, random jokes and so much more…

Click the button below to sign up!