ABOUT Nutrition
In todays day and age nutrition has become an overwhelmingly hot topic! It is an extremely important base to your overall health and wellbing but a lot of people can end up being confused and scared by the topic. Not to worry because our health practitioners at Zuma Health can give you information to support your choices in regard to nutrition. If you want to make big changes to your diet or supplementation you may need to request a longer visit with one of our practitioners. Get in contact with us today to book in or find out more!
“ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ”
How Nutrition Can Help You?
Many people don’t realise the effect your nutrition can have on your body and overall sense of well-being! Nutrition can play a major roll in improving health in your body and reducing illness and disease. The saying ‘ you are what you eat ‘ exists for a reason. Our team are more than happy to help you with nutritional advice best for your body and unique lifestyle.
Below are just some of the way we can help you:
- Customised nutritional advice
- Educational talks for your workplace or sporting team
- Meal plans, recipe ideas and more
- Detailed analysis of your nutrient intake
- Body composition check
- Lists of healthy foods
- Step by step guides.
- Advice and knowledge on specific diets and cleanses.
- De-bunking food myths
There are no specific ‘techniques’ or ‘methods’ to help guide your nutritional journey per-say. Our practitioners will use a combination of nutritional knowledge and their insight into your lifestyle and health history to customise their guidance and support for you.
When deemed necessary our practitioners may conduct safe and non-invasive food tests to identify food intolerances and deficiencies within your body.
What To Expect
Our practitioners will work with you and your body’s needs to guide you towards the correct nutrition for you! We are all different and each of our bodies thrive and benefit from different things. Our practitioners will work with your lifestyle to help bring change and benefits to your nutritional journey. We are full of knowledge in this topic and love educating, supporting and guiding you through your nutritional health journey.